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Culture That Keeps The Harmony Of Malaysian People

MALAYSIA: Everyone know about the most harmony asian country in this world. They are rich with culture and races. They can become one even though they are from different races. Let's talk about their attitude. 

Some of their attitude will make people laugh and it is just to show the real character in Malaysia daily routine.

For example, when Malaysian talk in english, they always add up 'lah' word in every sentence. If people that get used to talk with Malaysian in english, they will know their habits. We called it as Malaysian english and this type of language also sometimes will mix up with malay words. Some people said, this type of language is kind of language destroyer but for me, it shows the unique of Malaysian people. You will laugh sometime when Malaysian talk in this language because their face expression will follow the tune of words that came out from their mouth.

The other character of Malaysian is, they hate when people delaying their time. They will try their best to cut off the line but the reality is, whether you are in line or not, you still reached your destination. It is just our mistakes that did not plan our time well, But that is Malaysian people.

In driving, there is one attitude that people in Malaysia really hate is when they drive unnecessarily. Some of them, they will not use the signal light when they want to change their way. Some of them, will drive like a snake and did not alert with the other people on their back. The worst part is when they use right lane but driving slow. Instead of driving slow on left side, they rather drive slow on right lane without any shame. I bet everyone know this..hahahaha.

This are some of the culture and mind set of Malaysian that I always faced in my daily routine. Some of them will make me laugh and some of their attitude pissed me off. But what can I do, I am living in Malaysia, the country that have millions of faces and character.

"You don't have to burn books to destroy the culture but make people stop talking bad about the culture because it is the color of our life," by CleopatraDiva

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