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Don't judge the physical looks but judge them from their heart!

Tammy, a dog that is known as a lazy dog by my uncle. My uncle named Uncle James is a retired army that just spending his lifetime that left at home. He have a dog name Tammy who always sit next to him. Every 5 o'clock in the evening, he will sit at the balcony with a cup of coffee and Tammy will always lie down next to his chair.

        Both of them will spend time to look at the beauty of earth in the evening time. I still remember when mom said that she want to visit my aunty and I am so excited to join her just to meet Uncle James who loved to tell me the story of army life. We arrived at Uncle James's house around 6.30pm and that time, he still sit outside the house with his lazy dog.

         When I went there, there is a question about Tammy that I always want to asked Uncle James. The dog look like a lazy dog who just spend his time with food and sleep. I never saw a dog that is so lazy like that. So I decide to asked Uncle James on that day.

         "Uncle, I have a question that bothering my mind all this while. Do you mind if I asked you now?" 
        "Yes my dear, what you want to know that keep questioning in your mins?"
       "Why Tammy just sit and never do like other dog always do? I thought he is kind of lazy dog," I asked again.
         "Tammy? You asking about Tammy? Huh! Don't judge him just like that! Tammy??? He is born to be a tiiiiiigeeeerrrrrr deep in his heart! He just act to be that way to confused people," Uncle James answered with his expression. I was so surprised with the statement by Uncle James and look at Tammy's face. I never thought that he was that brave. What I can see, he is just like a lazy dog.

            Uncle James look at my face and laughing. He can see that I believe each of words that comes from his mouth about Tammy. Mom and Aunt Anne was laughing when they heard Uncle James talked about Tammy.

            "My dear, Tammy is a brave dog that born to be a tiger in his heart. But this idiot lazy dogggg!!!!! He will die first before his heart want to show what the heart wants!!!! He is just idiot, lazy dog that is so damn loyal with me!"

             "He might be not a brave dog, but I am grateful Tammy is a loyal dog that always be with me wherever I go. One day if I am in trouble, I know he will help me. Tammy is not as brave as tiger but he is a loyal companion. He is not just a dog, but he is a friend of mine,son," Uncle James explain more what he meant about Tammy and he touch Tammy's head when he said that Tammy was his best friend.
Then, I understand what he said. He might be not a tiger but in his heart he want to be as brave as tiger. The only thing I learned and what my uncle want to say is don't judge from his physical looks but judge him from it's heart. They might look stupid in front of us, but we cannot judge them just by their looks. Everyone have their own weakness and potential.

            Don't because of what we judge about them, we can destroy their eagerness in their heart. Believe in what we can do and what they can do so that we won't destroy our relationship with each other.

"The looks is not the diamond and gold but the beauty of heart are the valuable things in life that is more expensive than the jewelry in this world," by CleopatraDiva

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